Sorry, I’ve been a bad blogger…life has been hectic recently…but a group from my church along with my son & myself leave Fri to go to Fargo ND…here is a copy of the blog I wrote for it…check out that blog at


We’re goin’ ta Fargo doncha know…I’m practicing my Farganese., been listening to Francis McDormond in the movie Fargo this past week so I’d be able to converse with the natives. I’m just joking they speak English there, maybe not MY version of English but it’s all good, Shivonne will help me communicate. Seriously, I’m pretty pumped about going to North Dakota, I haven’t been on a mission trip since the year 19– something or other…let’s just say I was much younger. I’m excited to see a part of the country I’ve never seen, I’m excited to share this experience with my son, and excited to get to know some fellow Bridgers better. But I am most excited to get to be the hands and feet of Jesus to people who even though they live here in the United States have never experienced my Savior on a personal level.

I read recently that non-believers must hear the gospel an average of 7.6 times before they receive it, and the bible says to GO & TELL…so that’s what we’re doing, we’re gonna go to Fargo, and tell people we meet about Jesus, about how much He loves them. If we are obedient to that, we may meet a person whose hearing the gospel the 7th time and we may get to be a part of the joy of a life changing experience for them or we may meet someone whose hearing it for the 1st time. The important thing to remember is that God’s word NEVER returns void, and the Holy Spirit will use people whose hearts are motivated by love. And if we share our faith with people in love we cannot fail.

How will we do this you ask? We will be walking around the city and neighborhoods, sharing with people about John & Abby Fisher and the work they are doing there, and letting them know that they have a place to go and people to go to for any need they have. We will be inviting them to a block party we’re hosting at the end of the week in a local park. We are hoping to be able to help people clean up their homes from the flood & generally doing whatever John & Abby might need us to do to help with their ministry.

It’s kind of exciting and a little bit scary to think that I may impact someone’s life—and that’s where you come in—you can help this team of people who are going to Fargo by committing to praying for us every day, as part of your morning or evening prayer time, praying. Pray for our safety, for God’s words to be ever present in our hearts and minds when talking to others, and for our boldness to truly be the hands and feet of Christ to this part of the world. Check out our blog during the week and hear about what we’re doing and what things you might be able to pray for leave comments for the team to encourage them. Also pray for John & Abby Fisher, they are brand new parents, and church planters…pray for the relationships they will build as they meet the needs of the people there. And pray that through all of this God will be glorified and Jesus will be made famous.