Hello, I’m a failed blogger. I want to put my random thoughts down on virtual paper and share them with the world…but clearly I fail at this. I am a mom and a wife and being those things doesn’t always allow me the time but also I don’t always manage my alloted time well…another fail! But, I resolve, once again, to be a better blogger…what? Was that a roaring cheer from a stadium sized crowd I just heard? I’m sure you’ve all been on pins and needles wondering if I’d ever blog again…well rest easy, breathe deep…I shall blog again! I shall share with the world, my parenting struggles, my homeschool joys and frustrations, my weird and goofy random thoughts, my dieting ups and downs, the thrills of victories and the agonies of defeats in my little world…and I will strive to do it more often and give God all the glory for all things in my little world.