So…yes, I’m sure that I should have filled today with work work work, schoolwork, housework, and we did do some this morning…but today was about making cookies with my girls…The 2nd batch of gingerbread cookies is in the oven and the house smells heavenly…they giggled while rolling the dough and cutting the men out of it…they are sitting on pins and needles right now while waiting for decorating–the best part, and then eating…wait…that’s the best part! I don’t even care that we didn’t do history today or spend the day studying the planets or division or reading…we made Christmastime memories…how many times have I missed the opportunity to make these kind of memories because I let something else get in the way and how much longer will my girls be at an age that makes them giggle at cookie making? So today I don’t care about the mess, the flour on the floor or the accidents with the mixer when a 6 year old loses her grip on it…because today we made cookies…and long after the cookies are gone the memories will linger…