So…I’m going with Atkins…well I’m going with a pretty strict Atkins diet for at least a month…protein, veggies…I will probably go against Dr. Atkins on the Splenda issue…cuz…well…I can’t live without iced tea…and iced tea without being sweet is just cold brown water…just sayin…BUT I will, like I said keep it pretty strict for at least a month to break the sugar addiction I have…not just sweets…but bread, potatoes, bread…did I mention bread…and so I’m going cold turkey…putting myself into the “Betty Ford” of eating for a month…I’ll probably be grumpy, have headaches and generally be a pill to be around for the next few days…so this will also require prayer…(if you’re reading this you can toss one up for me if you want…I won’t mind at all ;)) The one thing I don’t like about a high protein diet is how expensive it is…it’s much cheaper to have a cup of coffee with toast in the morning than to have eggs and or bacon or something…WAIT…let’s make that 2 things that I don’t like about the high protein diet…nothing you get to eat is really crunchy…it’s all quiet food…and as weird as it sounds, you start to miss eating something crunchy…but it’s only for a month…I can handle anything for a month…right? After the first month I will probably allow carbs back in, in maybe veggies and whole grains…and keep my carb intake at about 50 grams per day…

Um, and NO…I didn’t start this weekend…I needed to get groceries and put things in the house that are allowed…so…Come Next Mon. i.e. tommorow, we begin…however…I did have a bit of encouragement today…My husband picked Chinese for his Father’s Day lunch and my fortune cookie said…(see pic below)…So here we go cyber world…we’re on a diet together…