So maybe the week before my monthly monster appears AND the week that I have actually logged enough driving miles to get me from my house to Miami (quite a long drive by the way)…MAYBE this wasn’t the best week to start a diet…BUT HEY…is there ever a good week? There’s always gonna be things to trip us up, right? While I have not been completely carb free this week I have done my level best while eating on the go to eat the right things and keep the PMS chocolate cravings at bay…I haven’t been perfect but I haven’t been horrible…I have stayed away from sweets altogether…that’s a BIG DEAL for me…and most of the carbs I’ve had came in the form of things like carrots and corn…I got some potroast at a meat and 3 one day for lunch (as it sounded better than say a burger) but I’m pretty sure the pot roast gravy had flour in it and it had carrots and potatoes…and last night at my small group we had a Mexican themed supper, and having not had time for lunch yesterday I allowed myself the carbs that were included in my Mexican meal…there…I’ve said it…I have not been completely carb free this week…but I have been completely honest about it. Now…since I’ve spent so much time in my car this week I have had lots of time to think about my “failure” and decided not to call it a failure…I have done many positive things and I’m choosing to focus on those and not what I did wrong…I haven’t sat on the couch all week…I haven’t layed around the pool doing nothing…I have gotten excersise, I have eaten less on the whole and as well as I could considering I wasn’t preparing any of the food…so all in all I think the week hasn’t been a complete waste…I’ve started a process that I will improve upon next week when my life is a little more back to normal…baby steps…one at a time…day by day…
I will not allow my eating indiscretions force me to give up…
I will move more…eat less…and I will not give up!